Thursday, November 04, 2010

Small and medium enterprises Focus On Social Media Marketing

A study by Zoomerang and GrowBiz Media revealed that small and midsize businesses expect to spend more on both print and online advertising, with a special focus on the latter. The biggest increases? Website, e-mail, and and social media marketing. According to the study, 17% of respondents expect to increase their website marketing budgets; 15% plan to spend more on e-mail ads; and 13% expect to allocate more money to marketing on social networking sites.

Already, 34% of the 750 businesses surveyed said they use social media as part of their marketing efforts. The three networking sites they use most are Facebook (cited by 80%), LinkedIn (37%), and Twitter (27%).

"This area of marketing is poised to see an incredible uptick in the next year," says Alex Terry, general manager of Zoomerang, a Web-based survey tool. "It's remarkable to see the new ways that small and midsize businesses are adapting different technologies to make the most effective and creative use of their budgets."

Of the businesses surveyed, 89% employed 1 to 25 people; 11 states were represented across the country, including New York, Florida, Ohio, Texas, and California; and 84% of respondents were the decision makers at their respective companies when it comes to marketing.

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