Friday, January 09, 2015

Check up: 2015 Business Resolutions

(Update:  this blog was originally published in January.  I am reposting now June '15 because I believe the message is even more meaningful today.)

The holiday season is behind us, and it’s time to start looking ahead to 2015. As you begin thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, we thought it might help to share a few popular resolutions we’ve heard from business owners over the years that Your Brand Voice can help you reach this year:

1. I want to respond to my online reviews and messages in a timelier manner. Businesses today should consider having an in house digital team.  While many small businesses cannot afford a full time marketing department it is essential that business owners understand the opportunity that a well-executed online presence gives a business.  Customers of Your Brand Voice receive a dedicated STAR (Social Trending Assessment Representative).  This STAR has been highly trained in social and digital marketing and serves as the “gatekeeper” of your companies brand online.  Ensuring not only that online reviews and messages are responded to, but also ensuring that the brand is creating quality, intelligent content across the appropriate digital networks online.

2. I want to attract more new customers in 2015. If you’re looking to attract new customers in 2015, then consider allocating more dollars to digital ad spend.  In 2015, Facebook essentially killed organic reach (the free visibility provided by simply posting content on Facebook) making it more important than ever to have a serious and dedicated digital ad budget.  Ads on Facebook and other digital platforms, provide savvy digital marketers the opportunity to isolate a business’s ideal customer ensuring that only the right people receive your message.

3. I want to captivate users when they land on my website or business pages. Make sure potential customers have all of your pertinent business information at their fingertips without having to take additional action.  Make sure the content you are generating is easily visible on mobile devices.  Traffic from smartphones and tablets now represent 40-60% of the traffic to a brands online environments.  Most of your customers experience Facebook, Twitter and other online social networks on their mobile devices.  Also, our data shows that customers also love reading email on their phones.  Social and email are both mobile and being good at both gives you access to your customers when they are paying the most attention.

Bryan Bruce, Your Brand Voice

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