Thursday, June 24, 2010

The hotel featured in today's Wall Street Journal's Personal Journal section is one of my clients. Here is a link to the article.

We developed a very strategic social media strategy which involves Facebook and Twitter primarily. On Twitter the big Marriott in Orlando operates and monitors 2 campaigns. @thefrontdesk, and featured in the article, is a guest service interaction handle. @worldcenter is more of a branding, marketing handle. The two work well together. I think the point here is not that someone can blackmail a hotel or brand into giving them what they want, but more importantly as a guest you can rest assured that this particular hotel is going listen and respond. I can tell you this campaign has not granted every wish, but as hotel professionals we realize our guests want to be heard and know that someone is listening. Additionally, as one comment pointed out that he is able to spot false reviews on trip advisor, we are also able to decipher false guests demands. As hotel professionals we seek opportunities to be proactive to our guests needs and social media provides us yet another medium. Congrats Orlando World Center Marriott for being cutting edge and providing exceptional guest service.

Bryan Bruce
Your Brand Voice

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