Including today, we all have 24 sales days left in the U.S. until Thanksgiving Day and the end of what many call Selling Season II. After that we've got 19 sales days until the Christmas holiday. Add those 5 days in between Christmas and the New Year and we've got 48 sales days left in 2010.
Be sure to maximize every one of them.
1. Make contact (live contact)
2. Ask questions
3. Listen
4. And, make good things happen for other people.
Obsess over executing on those 4 points and you'll increase your chances of making good things happen for yourself. This is the way to bet. During your money hours** don't let anything (or anyone) get in your way. Guard your time and energy like they're your paycheck because that's exactly what they are.
Three quick questions...
- Of the 20 or so sales days each month, how many times do you start earlier than is expected of you?
- How many times do you work later than is expected of you?
- How many times are you early for an appointment?
Starting early and going long count. Being prompt matters. The impact on you in terms of how it's viewed by your executive team, management team, peers, subordinates, prospects, and customers can be tremendous – tremendously positive or tremendously negative.
On time starting, leaving, or arriving is simply what's expected.
To be early and go long sends a message of purpose, commitment, and respect to others and yourself and assures better results over time. To be even one minute late, or rarely be challenged ending your day on time, sends a completely different message.
Emerson suggested, "Activity is contagious."
Have an impact on everyone. Enjoy great results.
Feedback or questions? Please contact Bryan Bruce
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