I know this is a hot topic right now in the mobile technology world. Everywhere I turn someone new is chiming in on the subject. Even more, those who are commenting on the subject, are normally biased based on which technology they are aligned with. Perhaps interactive website developers focus on mobile websites and maybe mobile device people more so focused on the apps. Mobile apps or mobile websites is not a new debate. Actually, this has been a hot topic for a very long time.
Back in September I wrote a post about why I liked mobile apps better then over mobile websites. I remember writing it thinking how far behind I was in understanding this new media. Well, I am learning and learning fast, but most importantly my learning or ideas are based in user experience, my experience. I read somewhere yesterday someone predict that 2011 will be the year of the mobile marketing boom. They said, when the mobile revolution hits, you will want to be ready. I agree, but think the mobile revolution is here and gaining
momentum every single day.
Mobile apps and mobile websites are critical to today's top brands. It is not a matter of which is better, is about how effectively you use both.
The mobile app search engine. How important is it for you, your business, your brand to be found inside the app store or market of your customers
smart phone. Can you go to the Android Market and type in
New Media Consultant and find
Your Brand Voice? How about searching "Hotel Orlando" inside that app store, can you find your hotel or brand? Are people searching like that? Well, if the mobile has area for growth, this may be one area. Adoption of the mobile app search engine.
Point being, do not underestimate the value of a native app and more importantly the value of being in that mobile app search engine.
User experience, the interface the design, the functionality are what drive use and use is what creates the transactions or the data that we all expect to receive from using these devices. The search engines creates another channel of exposure.
Bryan Bruce
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