When we think of non violence, we think of not harming
others - being kinder and more aware of this kindness that we can give of
ourselves in order to make the world a better place, to allow the chi to flow…
But wait- what about you? Are you
sacrificing yourself in order to practice ahimsa? Surely you aren't punching yourself, but are
you punching yourself with words and negative self talk? Are you not feeding your body healthy, life
giving foods? Are you keeping your body,
which is 70% water, hydrated? Are you
taking time out for yourself everyday to balance what the external world has
shifted? In times of stress and pressure,
are you putting yourself last or just forgetting yourself altogether? When you get on a plane, you are instructed
to use the O2 mask on yourself first.
Why? Because you cannot help
others when you don't have enough fuel for yourself. Sometimes this becomes a habit (doing doing
doing for others…).. we don't realize it and we believe we are doing good
things, and we are. But the true god,
the true holy spirit, the entire universe, exists within YOU.
Without YOU, nothing exists. <----meditate o:p="" on="" that.="">----meditate>
How can YOU practice ahimsa on a daily basis?
Do you have a personal example?
Nicole Grappo, YBV Spiritual Advisor |
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