Wednesday, March 26, 2014

keyword research table for the user's search intent

....the buying cycle can be further defined and shortened by matching a person's core personality and the long tail search query they start the buying process with; especially when you consider that 94% of people use Google in their buying process at some point.

A result oriented personality (Bryan) wants immediate results so his search query is more likely to be blunt and straight to the point - ..."orlando golf deals". Boom / Done.

A relationship driven personality (Ishaan) wants to get the input from a group, "orlando golf course review" - his buying cycle will be longer because he needs assurance that it's the right deal.

A process driven personality (Miquel) want to make sure all the "t's" are crossed and the "i's" dotted. He wants the "best golf course in Orlando"- his buying cycle is more predictable, but longer (much longer) - he wants to take his time, do good research, and make sure that you will provide the exact buying process that he wants ("best") - most likely to click and buy at some point once you convince him you have a the best defined process.

And finally,

A conscientious driven personality (Josh) - wants details, wants objectively, and wants the independence to make the decision based purely on facts..."cheap golf in orlando"....

When you can match the search phrase to a core personality, you have an opportunity to start the buying process on the right foot, which makes the buying cycle shorter and more profitable.

The secret is to drive the right personality to the right landing page...

That's my own professional opinion I could be wrong..

Patrick F Bruce
Business Analyst

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