When we buy ads on Facebook, the cost of those ads varies depending on a few things. First and foremost it varies depending on how engaging content might be with the targeted audience, that is why you want to make content that is relevant to your audience. The quality of the content is also a big factor here. Then another factor is demand for the audience you are going after and the size and scope. In other words, if we go after mothers in the USA who like golf, our cost might be lower than if we focused on mothers in Dr. Phillips who like golf. The image shared is an alert I received on my smart watch telling me that an ad we have running on Facebook would be cheaper if I refined my message and only targeted this older segment. What this tells me is if my message was relevant to this audience, my cost to reach them would be 51% lower than the current target established by simply refining the target. This alludes to the value found in targeting only this 55-64 segment on Facebook with this particular ad.
1 comment:
This is really amazing for you to write something so short but still so packed with important information that can be used by businessmen or aspiring businessmen all over the world. I know how useful this can be especially because you focused on a social media platform so big and popular to all ages. So thank you so much for this, this is a great article!
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